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23 · 10 · 2024

Cities around the Baltic Sea learn to engage citizens in a circular lifestyle

From 30 September to 2 October, the “Creative Circular Cities” project partners in Kiel – Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Schleswig-Holstein, Anschar, and Zero Waste Kiel – hosted a citizen engagement workshop (Lab) in Kiel.


Creative Circular Cities is co-funded by the EU’s Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme to promote circular transition at the local level by involving the culture and creative sectors and industries. The project activities take place in six demo cities: Aarhus, Gdynia, Kiel, Riga, Tallinn, and Turku.


During the Lab, project partners worked on improving their project pilots, learned tips and tricks from inspiring experts, and met practitioners – organisations that have integrated aspects of circularity as their core principles.


The city of Kiel, Germany’s first certified Zero Waste city, offers plenty of initiatives to draw inspiration from. The lab participants were impressed by Werk Statt Konsum – an open wood workshop with professional equipment, where people can learn how to repair things or how to make new things from used wood.


With a busy and fruitful 2024 coming to an end, the cities involved in the project are looking ahead to 2025 with a range of workshops for citizens, festivals, and an exhibition on the circular economy. One of the key questions they face is how to engage audiences with circularity topics and sustain their interest over the long term.


If the topic of circularity has caught your interest, read more about “Creative Circular Cities” here:


To read more about the CCC lab in Kiel, click here: