Creative Circular Cities

Promoting circular transition at local level by involving the culture & creative sectors and industries
Objective of the project
CCC will supply municipalities, business support organisations & NGOs in the BSR with guidelines & tools to involve CCSI into the circular transition, and in this way to induce a “system change” at the local level that includes both the production & the consumption side of CE.
Demo cities testing approaches for circular transition
CCC initiates a transnational co-creation process, in which 6 demo cities – Aarhus (DK), Kiel (DE), Gdynia (PL), Riga (LV), Tallinn (EE), and Turku (FI) – will jointly develop & test CCSI-driven approaches for an integrated circular transition. In each of them, local authorities, business support organisations and NGOs team up to
- launch enabling environments for CCSI-driven circular transition,
- help businesses to create CCSI-supported circular business models,
- promote “circular lifestyles” with CCSI assistance
Result of the project
The results will be processed into a “CCC Starter Kit”. It will give interested actors in other BSR cities concrete guidance to involve CCSI into circular transition and is pro-actively disseminated to them. A “CCC Policy Roadmap” facilitates dialogue with policy makers on potentials of the approach & support needs.
Timeline and financing
The project started in November 2023 and will continue until November 2026. It is 80% funded by the EU’s Interreg Baltic Sea Region program with a total budget of approximately four million euros.
Project partners
The project is implemented by a consortium of 14 partners and 23 associated partners.
Project partners:
- Danish Cultural Institute – lead partner
- Lifestyle & Design Cluster (Denmark)
- City of Aarhus – Climate Secretariat Aarhus Kommune
- Riga Municipal Agency “Riga Energy Agency”
- Northern Dimension Partnership on Culture Secretariat
- Pomeranian Science and Technology Park Gdynia | Design Centre
- Association “Pomorskie in the European Union”
- City of Turku
- Valonia / Regional Council of Southwest Finland Valonia
- Humak University Of Applied Sciences
- Tallinn Business Incubators – Tallinn Creative Incubator
- Anschar GmbH
- Zero Waste Kiel
- Heinrich Böll Foundation Schleswig-Holstein
Project website
Project Manager Charles Bourrier,
Communication Manager Andra Jakovica,