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29 · 10 · 2021

Fake ≠ Fact Info Lab in Daugavpils, Latvia

In a cooperation between the Baltic Centre for Media Excellence, Danish Cultural Institute in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, the Nordic Journalist Center and the Human Rights Academy, the exhibition “Fake ≠ Fact Info Lab” workshop opened this week in Latvia focusing on media literacy, democracy, and Fake News.


The free educational workshop was led by a media expert from Denmark and local expert Gunta Sloga who talked about media literacy, combating disinformation and propaganda, democracy and how to distinguish facts from fakes. Gunta Sloga is the executive director for ‘Baltic Center for Media Exelency’

This Monday focused specifically on the above mentioned in terms of sustainability and climate. You can read more about the project here.


The workshop took place October 25 at 09:00. Due to the current COVID-19 spreading the event was online.


This project is being supported Nordic Council of Ministers.