Frank/Pashkevich Quartet (DK/LAT/EE)

Koosluse Frank/Pashkevich Quartet panid kokku Christian Frank ja Deniss Pashkevich, jazz-muusikud Taanist ja Lätist, kes kohtusid 2010. aastal ühel kunstnike seminaril Kopenhaagenis. Nad otsustasid sidet hoida ja on sellest ajast alates mänginud paljudes klubides ja festivalidel Baltikumis ja Taanis. Aastal 2012 ilmus nende debüütplaat “Outlook” ja CD “Close” aastal 2014. Nende salvestus “Yours Faithfully” koos suurepärase pianisti Aaron Parksiga võitis hiljuti Läti parima jazzialbumi auhinna.
Nende CD’del ning kontsertidel kuuleb ilusaid ballaade, kaasaegset jazzi, improvisatsioone, bluusifragmente ning kogeb üldiselt lõõgastavat ja lüürilist meeleolu. Mõjutused New Yorgi skenest on ehk ilmsed, kuid kvartett püüdleb siiski isikliku saundi poole, mille osas kompromisse ei tehta.
Christian Frank – kitarr
Deniss Pashkevich – saksofon
Heikko Remmel – kontrabass
Reigo Ahven – trummid
Sissepääs: 10€/7€
Kontsert toimub koostöös Taani Suursaatkond Eestis / Embassy of Denmark in Estonia ja Danish Cultural Institute in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.
Frank/Pashkevich Quartet is a formed by Christian Frank and Deniss Pashkevich, two jazz artist from Denmark and Latvia who incidentally met in 2010 during an artist seminar in Copenhagen. They decided to stay in contact and have since then played at a number of clubs and festivals in the baltic’s and in Denmark. In 2012 they released their debut CD: ”Outlook” and the CD ”Close” in 2014. The recording with the amazing pianist Aaron Parks “Yours Faithfully” recently won a Grammy award for best jazz album in Latvia.
On their CD´s as well during live concerts, the listeners will experience beautiful ballads, modern jazz, impro-passages, bluesy fragments and overall a relaxed and lyrical mood. The influences from the New York scene are maybe obvious but still, the quartet seeks a personal sound, where no compromises are taken.
Christian Frank – guitar
Deniss Pashkevich – saxophone
Heikko Remmel – base
Reigo Ahven – drums
Ticket: 10€/7€
The concert takes place in cooperation with Taani Suursaatkond Eestis / Embassy of Denmark in Estonia and Danish Cultural Institute in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.
About ”Outlook” by Frank/Pashkevich Quartet:
Jazz is a limitless being. Also at a concrete level, jazz is limitless. Just imagine all the Swedish and Norwegian jazz musicians who are now a natural part of the Danish jazz stage.� With his outlook, the guitarist Christian Frank has joined forces a musician from Latvia: The saxophonist Deniss Pashkevich who brings along the drummer Artis Orubs, while Christian Frank turns up with the Danish bass player Claus Kaarsgaard.�As a band, they have created a piece of frost bitten jazz. There are sketchlike numbers where Frank and Pashkevich test ideas. There are also unifying numbers where the melody becomes the supporting element. They are not afraid to experiment.� Musically, they end up not far from what we know from Jakob Bro. The music moves ahead intimately and floatingly. The encircling time stands still. There is a cool melancholy that does not get icy, thanks to the great collaboration of the quartet.� The music may very well be frost bitten but when you are from Denmark and Latvia, you are familiar with the cold. You need the cold seasons as a counterbalance to summer’s heat.
� Written by: Niels Overgaard, Jazznyt
Jazz musicians from Denmark and the Baltics have collaborated for many years. The group Frank/Pashkevitch Quartet is the latest addition. The Latvian saxophonist and the Danish guitarist met each other in 2010 and formed the quartet along with a Latvian drummer and a Danish bass player.� The two leaders share the composing job almost equally. The music is basically in the vein of Jakob Bro where the supporting elements are, tranquillity, pauses and reflection. A muteness that sometimes seems enervating but nevertheless contains passages of great beauty, created by both soloists and almost discretely backed by the “rhythm section”.� In three numbers, however, they change the pattern. Flip is a breath of fresh air with its rock-inspired rhythm and in Silence and Chaos, they play around, convincingly, with free jazz. In Mom, the last number on the CD, we come very close to swinging jazz.� The group has a great potential and they ought to be on the program of Copenhagen Jazzfestival.
� Written by: Ole Niemann, Jazz Special
”Look out to a journey in music”
”I caught up with Frank and Pashkevich in March 2010 at a sold-out concert in Riga. Since then I have heard them as often as possible. I think their music has given me (as well as other listeners) a new outlook on jazz as well as on myself. This music calls for reflection.”
� Simon Drewsen Holmberg, Director Danish Cultural Institute of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania in Riga