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26 · 09 · 2016

Movie from LAMPA Festival 2016 – “ACADEMY OF DEMOCRACY”

A documentary theatre performance on democracy were on the agenda at the LAMPA Festival June 2, 2016, when people met in a public forum in Cesis to discuss different aspects of the democratic society of Latvia. Leading up to the festival, the Danish artistic performance group C:NTACT and the Latvian NGO Palidzesim – ‘We help’, organized a theatre summer school in Skulte, Latvia. Now, we can finally view the result in this inspiring video here:


Academy of Democracy


Lampa Festival promotes a democratic conversation culture on Latvia’s social, cultural, political and economic future. The theatre summer school had the aim of promoting the understanding of democracy among young people as well as training the youngsters in observing and expressing democratic principles in everyday family and school life, in a performative way. The participants are 10 students from various parts of Latvia and 2 Danish students, and they will this fall continue their tour of performances on various schools in Riga. The project was supported by the Danish Cultural Institute in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, as well as the, Nordic Council of Ministers, Atea Global Services and the Riga City Council.