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20 · 02 · 2017

Little Chef, Great Taste

Saturday 18th of February the workshop Little Chef Great Taste took place in Stockmann in Riga,  Latvia. These workshops have been made in the collaboration between Laura Vana, Janis Jenzis, Stockmann and Danish Cultural Institute.

Laura Vana, is originally from Tallinn Estonia and have a MSc in Food Innovation and Health from University of Copenhagen. She is specialized in teaching about the sensory education of taste to children. Janis Jenzis is the owner of the local restaurant and wine bar, Garage.

At Stockmann the children explored their senses through taste exercises. They both touched and tasted different kinds of food and had the opportunity to try taste test of various kinds and learn about the impacts of these experiences on food and taste.

The philosophy is, that is important to teach children sensory education of taste and cooking skills from a young age. Eating habits that children acquire during childhood is important to how children develop taste and food habits later in life. The aim of these workshops is to influence the children in a more healthy direction. By the taste exercises and education the children hopefully gets a better understanding of food and might in the future tend to take healthier food choices.

In all, the event got positive feedback, the children were happy and also curious about the new ways of experiencing food.