Liveability Talks with Kateryna Baulina – Register now!

Next Liveability talks session to focus on urban planning in Ukraine
As part of the BSR Interreg Liveability project, we invite you to join the next session of the Liveability Talks: “Planning attractive cities for living: Ukrainian experience and lessons”. The session, featuring Kateryna Baulina, Deputy Director of the NGO Analytical Center “Reformator,” takes place on 20 February at 9:00 CET.
In the talk, Kateryna Baulina, who has worked for the city councils of Kyiv and Kherson, will share her knowledge on urban planning when rebuilding Ukraine’s cities which have faced various degrees of destruction. The talk will highlight the importance of creating SAFE and SMART cities with integrated shelters, multifunctional spaces, digital citizen alerts and more.
One of Baulina’s key points is to create comfortable cities where citizens feel safe, valued and needed. She shares her thoughts on how to create KIND cities by integrating centres for the elderly with shelters for homeless animals and how to create ATTRACTIVE cities by supporting small and medium-sized businesses and creating a favourable investment climate.
Baulina’s vision is in line with the Liveability project, which sees liveability as deeply connected with citizens’ sense of belonging, security and feeling valued.
Registration for the webinar:
Learn more about the Liveability project:
The Liveability project is co-funded by the EU Interreg Baltic Sea Region (BSR) programme 2021-2027 under the priority “Innovative Societies”.
About Kateryna Baulina
Kateryna is the Deputy Director of the NGO Analytical Center “Reformator”. She has worked as a chief expert on international partnerships in the city councils of Kyiv and Kherson city councils and Rubizhne city military administration, as well as a counsellor for the Union of Baltic Cities. Kateryna is a PhD student at Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.