Mikkel Andersen Tour

Thursday 23rd of March Mikkel Andersen will start his Baltic Tour by playing a concert in The Danish Cultural Institute.
Place: Mukusalas 3, Room 625
Time: 19:00 – 20:30
Entrance: Free
Mikkel is an internationally known and recognized guitar player. He has toured in Greenland, Cuba, The Baltics, South America, Spain and Denmark. He is a very skillful classical guitar player, who focus on intimacy. By his personality and soft touch on the guitar strings he makes the listener live and feel the present.
His tour is called ”Un Buen Dia” and he will play songs of Johann Sebastian Bach, Francesco Tarrega, Isaac Albeniz and more.
For more information about Mikkel Andersen go to: www.mikkelandersen.dk
23rd March 19:00 – Danish Cultural Institute
24th March 19:00 – Ventspils Library
25th March 16:00 – Koncertu Zāle, Bauskas Pils