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31 · 08 · 2022

A Quantum Exhibition is on its way!

In celebration of the 100-year anniversary of Niels Bohr being awarded the Nobel Prize an exhibition inspired by Bohr’s work and quantum science will take place this fall in 3 cities! The artworks are being co-created by 3 international artists:

Anna Kirse who is a Latvian composer working within the field of chamber music, opera and experimental music often inspired by nature.


Together they will create a multi-dimensional exhibition inspired by Niels Borhs many interests as philosophy, culture and last but not least – physics.

Last weekend the artists met in Copenhagen at the Niels Bohr with representatives from Danish Cultural Institute and Visionary Culture Foundation to get acquainted with the world of quantum physics. They visited the Cleanrooms at the Quantech LAB (hence the cool outfits) and got inspired by the nuclear world.

The upcoming exhibition will combine art with science and create an experimenting environment which can be experienced in 3 different cities worldwide:


14th of October, Copenhagen at Niels Bohr’s Institutes Vandrehallen

15th of October, Riga at Morberga Studija

11th of December, Beijing at Danish Culture Center in Beijing


We can’t wait to tell you more about this exiting project!