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12 · 12 · 2017

“The Shrines” plays at Nordic Days in Liepaja

As part of the Nordic Days in Liepaja the Institute and the Danish Embassy organized a concert on the 7th of December with the Danish band “The Shrines.” The concert took place on the Danish founded rock club Fontaine Palace and its rustic interior was perfect for the classic indie rock that the band amazed people with. The band consists of two members, singer Anne Jensen and guitarist Rasmus Hamann who have many years of experience of playing music, but “the shrines” is their first collaboration. They released their first single on the 26th of May this year and if you want to hear it click here. The concert was well visited by the Nordic delegation as well as locals who all united in their love for the music.


After Liepaja the band travelled to Riga and played a concert at the DEPO on the 9th of December. The music was as suited for Riga as it had been for Liepaja, and the place was shimmering with people enjoying the great band.