UrbCulturalPlanning Conference & Urban Lab

This month DCI will participate in a conference and two urban labs concerning UrbCulturalPlanning. From the 15th to the 17th of September the last conference of the project will take place in Riga, Latvia. At the end of the month from the 24th to the 25th an urban lab will take place in Denmark as well as one in Kiel from the 29th to the 30th of September.
UrbCulturalPlanning, where DCI is a lead partner, is a citizen-driven project that combines culture and creativity in order to create better living standards in neighborhoods in cities and rural areas in the Baltic Sea Region. During 8 Urban Labs and 3 Conferences in total, the aim is to provide cultural planning methods as well as mentoring in the correct use of these, in order to increase urban social innovation, inclusion, and sustainable development.
More specifically the conferences, as the one this month in Riga, aim to bring cultural planning practitioners together with other actors such as policy makers and stakeholders, NGOs and regional and city planners to focus on sharing experiences and knowledge relevant to the course. This will be the main focus on the conference held in Riga the 15th to the 17th of September.
All the urban labs, as well as those in Denmark and Germany at the end of this September, will work with relevant cultural planning methods, including topics of cultural mapping, cultural visioning stimulating local social innovation etc. in order to be implemented for wider strategic use in the Baltic Sea Region
The project consists of 14 different project partners and 36 organizations spanning over 9 different countries.
The UrbCulturalPlanning project is funded by the Interreg Baltic Sea Region. It is a BSR flagship project running from January 2019 to December 2021.
The project partners are: Danish Cultural Institute (DK), Heinrich Böll Stiftung Schleswig Holstein (DE), Copenhagen International Theater (DK), City Culture Institute (PL), Project company kiel-Gaarden GmbH (DE), Guldborgsund Municipality (DK), Pomorskie Vovoideship (PL), City of Pori (FI), City of Riga (LV), Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (LT), Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences (NO), University of Skövde (SE), Baltic Sea Cultural Centre (PL) and Baltic Branch of the National Centre for Contemporary Arts – State Museum and Exhibition Centre ROSIZO (RUS)