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24 · 10 · 2022

Women on Posters and seminar on feminism throughout history

We’re excited to announce our next exhibition which will open in Tallinn next week: Women on Posters!


The opening will take place at 18:00 Thursday the 27th at Ajaloo Muuseum in Tallinn, Estonia and will be accompanied by a seminar on feminism throughout history starting at 16:00. To sign up to the seminar please send and email to no later than the 24th of October.


Women on Posters is a very special exhibition as it focusses on women and their role in society in 4 decades and in 3 different countries. The exhibition contains posters from Denmark, Estonia and China and range all the way from the 1940’s to 1980’s – a time where women’s rights caused severe changes in these countries and influenced their development heavily.


The Danish posters reflect the women’s movement from 1969-1979, with
posters from e.g. the Redstocking Movement, Countess Danner’s women’s centre and women’s summer camps on the Danish island of Femø. The Chinese collection reflects the cultural revolution in China from 1949-1979 and the new central role that women played in the development of Chinese society. Finally, the Estonian poster collection centres on women’s role in the Soviet Union as workers, farmers and guardians of Estonian culture and traditions: the ‘country mother’.


The seminar is open to the public and will examine not only the key historical and art development that the posters reflect, but also in a larger context: how does this past influence our present, and how will it continue to be important for our future? The panel will consist of communication and gender equality expert Dr.Barbi Pilvre, professor in Estonian Academy of arts and an artist Prof. Liina Siib and women’s movement activist from Women’s House in Copenhagen Lisbeth Jorgensen. Our moderator will be writer and film director Kadri Kõusaar.

See you there!